Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

4WD Quark Peugeot’s Futuristic Quad Prototype

Let’s take a look at peugeot’s futuristic prototype two-seater. This 4WD Quark has removable interactive interface, innovative PDA concept, still serves the same purpose as ignition key which combine with instrument panel. 4WD Quark is also protected with small transparent and waterproof cover. Enough said, this 4WD Quark prototype has competed successfully at Michelin Bibendum challenge.The vehicle create its own class in four wheeler, which actually similar with 4WD machines that are selling so well in America at present, yet created low-emission inner-urban fuel-cell vehicle. To drive each of four 17″ diameter wheels, this 4WD Quark is using electric motor which connected to the chassis by means of triangular wishbones.

The fuel cell supplements electrical energy supplied by a Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) battery consisting of 40 individual cells, each with a voltage of 7.2 volts. The battery can therefore provide a nominal overall voltage of 288 Volts. In parallel, PSA Peugeot Citro’n have also developed new solutions to simplify the fuel cell and reduce its size to help integration into more compact vehicles.The fuel cell of Quark is no longer water-cooled, but air-cooled, this could avoid the need for bulky water-cooling system and this means we can also avoid freezing point because of ambient temperature that could cause damage to water-cooled cell. So you don’t have to put 4WD Quark in garage in any weather conditions.

Transform Your Cell Phone to A Box to Play

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

This Could Be The Future of Citroen 2CV Car

This concept car has just entered from future for all Citroen 2CV lovers. This concept is designed by David Portela to present a classic model. You will get what you can expect from Citroen 2CV such as the same curved bonnet, hunk sides, roofed rear wheels and much more. Not only this, this futuristic robo-car also features modernistic panoramic windows and steampunky exteriors. Once you have this on the road, you will surely have a feeling of uniqueness and unbelievable. So, get ready to give a modern look to your old Citroen 2CV and just zoom…!!!

Treepac : Eco Friendly Shipping Box

Treepac packaging concept has won a Silver International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) in EcoDesign category. With its structure made entirely of sustainable materials, a great effort towards greener earth, I think they do deserve the award. Read their press release after the jump to get clear understanding about their design.

Luxurious Red Italian Train by NTV

The bright red color with a thin golden stripe along the carriages is a wonderful match for the shape of the trains. “Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori” (NTV) is an independent Italian train company and they have come up with 25 red high-style trains consisting of 11 carriages and 460 seats. These trains will soon travel with a speed of 360 km an hour on the Italian Tracks. Who does not want to travel in such a luxurious and uniquely customized train? It has everything that you can expect from your future train journey.

Toyota Winglet Personal Transport Asistant

With more and more manufacturers making prototypes of personal transportation, Toyota motors has come up with their version of walking assistant. Named as Winglet, it’s a personal transport assistant and is ridden in standing position. It has an electric motor, two wheels and an internal sensor for monitoring the user position. The unique parallel link mechanism allows the users to go forward, backward, and it turns by a simple shift of body weight, thus it comes handy even in crowded places. It ensures stability by making power adjustments and sure is one good walking assistant and suits the purpose for moving around safely and freely.

Capca, Space-Saving and Environmentally Friendly Car Concept

What will city infrastructure and city transport, parking and fueling be like in the near future? Let’s take a look at your city from the height of a skyscraper, what will you see? There are green areas and water pools, round shape streets and austere simplicity of architecture, streams of hi-tech eco-vehicles and eye appealing blossoms of parked cars. You’d be glad to know that parking lots filled up with cars now produce oxygen so necessary for life. No more smog and polluted air, no more packed buses and fussy crowds.

Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

Sustainable Design Workshop dan Café Seminar


Sustainable Design Workshop dan Café Seminar

Bandung, 10-11 Agustus 2008

(Bebas biaya, hanya untuk 30 peserta)

Desain produk yang berkelanjutan beberapa tahun terakhir ini ramai dibahas di seluruh dunia. Bagaimana para wirausahawan di Indonesia, terutama yang bergerak di bidang desain, merespon situasi ini? Apa sebenarnya pengertian “desain yang berkelanjutan” di Indonesia? Bagaimana kita menangkap peluang bisnis dan menjadi wirausahawan yang menghasilkan produk yang berkelanjutan?

Untuk meningkatkan daya saing produk berkelanjutan dan strategi wirausahawan Indonesia, baik di arena internasional maupun lokal, ikutilah workshop yang diadakan oleh British Council yang bekerjasama dengan KK Manusia dan Produk Industri, Program Studi Desain Produk, FSRD ITB pada tanggal 10 Agustus di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB. Fasilitator workshop ini adalah para ahli di bidangnya masing-masing, yaitu:

  • Prof. Mathilda Tham (Goldsmiths University London, UK), pakar di bidang desain yang berkelanjutan

  • Dr. Dwinita Larasati, MA (KK Manusia dan Produk Industri, FSRD ITB), yang bidang penelitiannya adalah isu desain dan berkelanjutan

  • Singgih S. Kartono (Magno, Temanggung), yang produk-produk berbahan-dasar kayunya telah memperoleh penghargaan dan pengakuan internasional sebagai “produk yang berkelanjutan”

  • Ben W. Sudarmadji (Mahanagari, Bandung), yang perusahannya telah bertumbuh, dari sekedar menjual kaos dan merchandise menjadi sebuah perusahaan yang berkontribusi pada pelestarian alam dan budaya Bandung dan sekitarnya

Pada workshop ini para peserta akan diajak aktif berdiskusi, bertukar-pikiran dan bereksperimen secara kreatif mengenai segala hal yang berhubungan dengan produk yang berkelanjutan.

Dilanjutkan dengan CAFE SEMINAR pada tanggal 11 Agustus, di mana para perserta bebas mendiskusikan produk ataupun proyeknya, yang akan dipandu oleh para fasilitator yang ahli pada bidangnya masing-masing, sebagai berikut:

  • Rizky Adiwilaga, SH (hak atas kekayaan intelektual, aspek hukum karya desain)

  • Irvan Noe’man (desain dan industri, asosiasi desainer profesional)

  • Ir. Susanto, MSn (wirausaha desain dan desain manajemen)

  • Joshua Simandjuntak, MA (RCA) (desain produk dan furnitur, pasar Eropa/ekspor)

Program ini merupakan dukungan British Council terhadap Arte-Polis II yang diselenggarakan oleh KK Arsitektur SAPPK ITB dan merupakan salah satu Program British Council di bidang Ketahanan Iklim yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan akan desain dan produk yang ramah lingkungan dan untuk membuka peluang bagi para partisipan meluaskan jejaring internasionalnya.

Silakan isi formulir pendaftaran (terlampir) dan kirimkan kembali melalui email ke titalarasati@gmail.com atau fax ke (022) 2534162 (attn. Dr. D. Larasati, MA) sebelum Rabu, 6 Agustus 2008. Pendaftaran setelah tanggal tersebut tidak akan dipertimbangkan. Mengingat terbatasnya tempat yang tersedia, pendaftaran awal akan diprioritaskan dalam pertimbangan pemilihan peserta. Peserta yang terpilih akan diberi tahu melalui email masing-masing pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2008.



BANDUNG, AUGUST 10-11, 2008

Nama lengkap:


Tempat, tanggal lahir:


Nomer kontak:

- Telepon:

- Telepon selular:

- Fax:




Nama perusahaan/



Tingkat pendidikan

(beri tanda silang pada kotak):

  • S1

  • S2

  • S3

  • lain-lain:

Bidang ilmu/keahlian:

(tolong lampirkan CV dan (bila ada) portfolio ringkas yang memuat karya-karya desain Anda)

Saya tertarik untuk ikut serta dalam (beri tanda silang pada kotak):

  • Workshop tgl 10 Agustus

  • Café Seminar tgl 11 Agustus

Mengapa Anda tertarik untuk berpartisipasi di workshop ini?

Apa yang Anda harapkan dari workshop ini?

Karya atau desain apa yang akan Anda tampilkan untuk didiskusikan dalam café seminar?

City Transport Cell (CTC)

City Transport Cell (CTC) is a new concept car for navigating in the city. Built for the year 2020 it is a flexible and easy to navigate car in the hectic urban live. All the exterior parts are easy to maintain due to CTC’s flexible puzzle idea. All the parts come as a unit and can be replaced with one click. The interior is a very flexible structure that allows you to either make space for transporting bigger items or driving around with your family and friends. As this is really a City Car the speed and range are limited to an average commuting distance. The car is all battery driven and has zero emission.

Helios Grill Transforms Sunlight into Heat to Grill Your Food

Helios is a grill with the energy-efficiency of a solar oven. It stores upright to keep a small footprint and easily cantilevers open and locks in place, when you are ready to cook. In order to maximize safety, Helios is designed so that the reflective solar dish is pointed away from you while cooking. If the time of day or weather is not appropriate for solar grilling, it features a retractable plug, stored in the base, as an alternative energy source. Helios utilizes a reflective parabolic dish to focus sunlight onto a solar receptor, transforming it into usable energy. The energy travels from the parabolic dish to the grilling platform and heats a coil in order to cook food. Green and Healthy, Bon Apetite !

Would You Trade iPhone for Plica ?

Plica is a conceptual phone that uses 2 screens instead of one, and has the advantage of shape as it is dimensionally the same as regular phone. Plica phone concept is trying to offer a better design compared to iPhone which has many complains on its size of the interface, which is too small for some people’s hand. Splitting it into two allows you to dedicate one of the touch screens as a keyboard and the other as a touch monitor. You can also view a single web page or image across both screens. This could be the next evolution in mobile electronics.

MyCar Electric City Car

MyCar is a two-seater car that will have its global debut at the NICE stand at British International Motor Show. MyCar electric city car was designed by Giugiaro of Italdesign.

MyCar electric city car is manufactured in Hong Kong and will go on sale in the UK through the NICE Car Company. This electric city car needs between six and eight hours to re-charge, reach its top speed at 40 mph, and a range of 40 miles in the city.

The MyCar sits on 14” Alloy wheels, and equipped with remote central locking, Hi/lo and boost button, Radio/MP3 player, and also LCD multifunction display.

This electric car can also be specified with 15” Alloy wheels, leather interior, cooled and heated seats and a boot rack. MyCar will be available in showrooms this autumn, with the pricing starts at 8,995 pounds.