Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Smoker Bench

The new project named as Smoker bench, is as the name signifies a place where the smokers can smoke and socialize in peace without a hassle. The bench consisting of a two side sitting area with supporting pillars, which double up as containers to flip the ash or disposing the cigarette stubs. The designer has put to use the connecting portion between the two pillars as grass can be grown adding to the visual feel. Also it helps in promoting the clean and green message to all those who spend time there, although in a silent manner. The main aim of this place is to provide a unique public place for smoker and protect the non-smoker at the same time.

personal cooker compact

Designed by Alex Bradley, SPC is a smart cooker for people who are living alone and hate to prepare their own meals, they prefer junk food. This compact cooker goal is to encourage people in bedsits and bachelor pads to prepare healthier meals. Combination of a hob, chopping board, utensils and a WiFi-enabled screen (futuristic cooker, huh?) to make users easier to access recipes from the internet. As one of Concept Product Competition Finalists, hopefully this Single Person Cooker prototype can win the competition.

The Intended user is primarily the single person and or commuter, where time is precious and preparing a meal is more of a chore than an experience to be savoured. Families, with busy schedules could benefit, together with wider ranging demographics.

The Watree Will Collect The Rain Water and Used During The Summer

The new rain water harvesting and sports stadium storage design by Australian designer Chris Buerckner can be said to be innovative product in all respects. He has named it as Watree which looks like an umbrella placed upside down also acts as a shade in the rain. The rain water gets accumulated and is stored in it tank underground as these can be placed on areas away from the playing surface, the water stored can be used to sustain the stadium during the summer months through series of underground pipes. A practical and a self sufficient solution in these crunching times!

The Rainman by Matilda Sunden Ringner

The decanter design by Denmark based designer, Matilda Sunden Ringner which is called Rainman is designed in a manner that water is transported from the container to the drinking glass. The decanter is unique as it has eight holes which facilitate its usage when the wine is poured, and the placement of holes also gives it a unique visual appeal and identity. Besides this, the holes also help in decanting the wine while preventing the ice and pieces of lemon to fall into the glass as one pours the content. A nice and a classy thought one must say, which can be used for our every day usage!