Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

The Parasolar Provides Power While Protecting From The Sun

The Parasolar is green technology concept that provides energy for lighting, charging, heating, and cooling equipment and devices. While protecting you from the sun, you can take advantage of Parasolar technology that transform the light absorbed at daytime to provide power by day and night.

The product comes in one carry-on case, easily transportable. The cover helps to fix and stabilize the Parasolar to the ground. The parasol is optimized with flexible photovoltaic laminated panels integrated in the synthetic cloth stretched on the structure of the parasol. The charger/battery and the energy transformer are placed at the base of the Parasolar, giving its stability. The tubular pole can be extended with a simple telescopic structure. When clipped together or assembled, the parasol and the base automatically initiate the energy transformation process. The Parasolar supports one-12volts-output and two USB sockets.

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Salam DPers! Dah lama ga jenguk, ternyata ni Blog masih aktif. Tetep semangat! Tapiii, sekedar input aja. Kayanya blog ente kurang digarap deh. Pan desainer. Masa cuman mengandalkan templet. Kombinasi warnanya juga belum sipp. Oia, artikelnya diterjemahkan dong. Maklum TOEFL ane ga gede2 amat...hehehe

ventammo mengatakan...

thanx banget atas masukannya...
Pengennyah mah gitu, secara desainer huhahahaa tapi masih keseok-seok ama waktu...dan skill tentunya huhahaa..
tapi akan kita pikirkan gimana cara ngelay out yang bener.....than buat dukungannya....